PINGKO 3D Carabiner Walking Pedometer Best Activity Fitness Tracker

PINGKO 3D Carabiner Walking Pedometer Best Activity Fitness Tracker  

This Pedometer from Pingko is a very sensitive piece of equipment.  It has imperial or metric settings and has an accelerometer step counting function which is meant to be used for continuous walking exercise.  When I first had this I thought I could clip the carabiner onto something like trousers or a bag and start walking and it would count my steps.  This little machine is far more complicated than I expected.  You cant just do that.  This is so sensitive that if you break your walking with say a car journey this pedometer is used to measure acceleration and I found it counted the movement of my car as steps.

 It comes with instructions on how to set it up and upon first glance I was mortified.  Saying that, they were quite easy to follow so I had a go.  I found the buttons on the back a bit awkward to use as I have long nails but I soon got the hang of them. The instructions were quite simple basically you have to set up the clock for 12 or 24 hour.  Select if you want to use IN (IMPERIAL) or CM (METRIC).  You have to work out your stride.  For example, you have to walk 10 paces in your normal stride and measure from start to finish and calculate your stride by dividing the total distance by 10 and this works out how far you walked in your 10 paces.  Next you enter your weight then finally you put your target of how many steps you want to try to complete.  When you are walking there is a progress bar on the front of the pedometer and when you reach your first 500 steps one black bar will fill in.  This indicates that you have reached 10% of your target.  As you walk on the bars increase and at 5000 steps the pedometer flashes and beeps to indicate that you have reached 100% of your target.  This unit stores the memory of 7 days activity.  When not in use after 3 minutes the unit will shut down and will wake up if it feels movement.  I have now got used to how this works and it is really a great help to anyone who wants to do more exercise as you now have visibility of just how well you are doing.  Apart from the visibility this is also what I would call a bit of a moral booster.  If you can see that your not doing enough it spurs you on to do more.  If I can use this anyone can.  Check out the website, you wont be sorry.

I received this item at a discount and am under no obligation to write this review. 


Unknown said…
I need to reset the time on mine. Can you help. I can't figure it out since I changed the battery.

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