Head Lice & Pet Flea Plastic Nit Comb

Head Lice & Pet Flea Plastic Nit Comb, Fine Tooth  

 This product has been designed in the fight against Head Lice and Pet Fleas.  These creatures bring with them some unpleasant symptoms leaving the host scratching, uncomfortable and possible with an infection.  Head lice are small wingless insects that get into your hair and scalp.  They are parasites and they feed on small amounts of the blood.  This can lead to irritation and even scratching or infection.  They can be treated with over-the-counter medication or you can buy a Comb just like this Double Sided White Plastic Nit Flea Comb.  One side has extra fine teeth so it makes it easier to comb through the hair and not miss any little bugs.  Not only can this comb be used for people it can also be used for animals.

Pet fleas can be a nightmare not only for the pet but for us humans too.  After biting the animal they lay eggs as many as 50 a day which fall off onto your kitchen or dinning room floor.  If not dealt with a larva hatches and spins a cocoon becoming a pupa.  Inside the pupa new adult fleas develop and hatch out ready to start the cycle all over again.  If left untreated this can cause a lot of pain and discomfort and itchiness.

This comb is not one of the strongest Flea combs on the market but it gets down to the skin well enough to catch these little blighters and pull them out of your pets coat.  It is easily washed and will do the same job as all flea combs.  This one comes with a leaflet advising the best possible methods to us to make sure you and your child don't get lice.  This also comes with a £1.00 off voucher for Crème Rinse Twin Pack - Lyclear.

I received this product at a discount and am under no obligation to write this review. 


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