Ice Bag Pain Relief Heat Pack - LARGE (Pink Dots)

This ice bag is made out of rubber fabric and holds approximately 450ml of ice or cold water. This can be used for hot or cold therapy. If you have a migraine or have bruised yourself and you feel that he area is starting to swell then just twist the top of this ice bag and fill the bag two thirds full with ice and cold water. Screw the cap back on and apply to the affected area. The coldness helps to reduce bleeding in the body tissue and prevents or reduces any swelling. This can also help if you have a hangover or aching muscles. If you feel that you need to use this for hot therapy then again fill the bag two thirds with hot tap water (not boiling) and screw the top back on and place on the affected area. This hot therapy is good for stomach cramps and stiff necks as it reduces muscle spasms. I have stiff joints and I tried this with the hot therapy on my knees. I used the hot water from the tap and I did not think this would be warm enough but it was really hot and soothed the pain. Several years ago I snapped a tendon in the back of my left leg and it aches all the time. I put this on the back of my leg for 10 minutes and it made such a difference. The ache has all but gone. I honestly wish I had known just how good this ice bag was as I would have bought this years ago.
I have also tried the cold method which works just as well although I have not had a hangover yet so just as well I have got this in before Christmas.
I received this product at a discount and am under no obligation to write this review.