Magicdo® 12 Cols Glass Paint

This set of Glass paint comes with 12 various bright colours and a coloured paint pallet to mix your paints with. It is from Magicdo and made in China. The paints are specially formulated for maximum adhesion to stick to all clean dry glass. Whilst fast drying they are also scratch and water resistant. This is a great little set to start anyone out with. I liked art at school and I wanted to try these out on some hurricane lanterns. These turned out great and I really enjoyed it and found it quite relaxing. The paint is quite thick when it comes out of the tube onto the pallet and looks impressive once you have squeezed them all out. They mix well but when you go to apply to the glass it comes out quite thin and I found that these paints were great colours but you need to put several layers on to get really thick lines. Also I think it would be best to paint your design and let it dry then go over it again to get the kind of effects you are after. The kids will love this and the end result is so satisfying. I just washed my brushes after but you could use turpentine if you need to. They sell brushes in most shops these days so if they get a bit messy just throw them away and get another set. Its all about having fun no matter how old you are.
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