Minimalist Living Ebook
Author George Pain

This book is about freeing yourself, full stop!  There are so many factors in our lives that we take for granted, things that guide us, control us, things we do that we don't even realise are causing pressure and stress.   George Pain has great ideas about ways to release yourself from these issues, some of which I agree with but others I would struggle to deal with.
One good thought was about de-cluttering.  I am myself a hoarder and find it extremely difficult to let go of things.  He suggests trying to remove one item a day or week to get started.  It could be anything like clothes to give to a charity shop or give something away that you don't need.  Just being generous for the sake of it works wonders for your soul.
Positive thoughts and trying to stay cheerful when things were not as good as they should be.   This one I have always tried to keep in my head because I have seen enough pain in  my lifetime and life's too short.  If you have an argument with someone always try to see where they are coming from and you might be surprised that you don't actually really have an issue.
Try to embrace new technology and leave the old behind.  Also though try not to be a slave to technology and spend more time relaxing and spending time with loved ones.  Pursue activities that make you  happy  and be in control of your time and space.
All these ideas and many more go towards freeing you from the trials and tribulations of life and therefore making your time more rewarding and less stressful.  It is an interesting read and I am not saying that I could do everything he suggests as I would struggle to give up things that were sentimental to me.  I however did take some ideas on board and will be trying to de-clutter if nothing else.
I received this product free of charge and am under no obligation to write this review.


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