Guide To Windows 10 Ebook

 Author John Slavio

It is good to see a different take on a book which incorporates the old and the new.  This ebook is unusual in that it shows you how Windows 7 and 8 were compared to the new version Windows 10.  From reading this it is easy to see how the comparisons have prompted the updates as the Microsoft have listened to their customers and made the changes to sell a far superior product.

The book then goes into explaining how to install and use Windows 10 with simple step by step processes for you to follow throughout the book.  Great advise is given to back up any data before installing the change as you then will always have the option to revert back to your old windows should Window 10 not suit you.

A new tool is called Cortana.  Once activated you can either type or say your commands for example “tell me a joke or play music.”  Sticky notes is another function recently added.  You can make a note and put a time and date and this will pop up on and off to remind you.

There are so many more things involved with Windows 10 and this book will tantalise you and turn on that light that was once so dim when it comes to computing.  It is easy to follow and you’ll wonder why you never installed Windows 10 sooner.
 I received this product free of charge and am under no obligation to write this review.



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