Blow Torch, Baztoy Refillable Cooking Kitchen Butane Torch Lighter With Safety Lock & Adjustable Flame Perfect for Pastries, Desserts, Brazing, Soldering, Welding, Melting, Heating, Peeling & More
Blow Torch, Baztoy Refillable Cooking Kitchen Butane Torch Lighter With Safety Lock & Adjustable Flame Perfect for Pastries, Desserts, Brazing, Soldering, Welding, Melting, Heating, Peeling & More

If your anything like me, I am not a professional in the kitchen but I do like to dabble and test out new kitchen products and I came across this item. The Blow Torch. This is a Baztoy refillable cooking kitchen butane torch tighter. It has a safety lock and adjustable flame so you can change the heat to higher or lower whilst using for cooking. This item is used by professionals and amateurs alike and I have to admit it did scare me somewhat. Out of the box it is easy to hold with an ergonomic handle so that there is little chance of you dropping in. The torch is lightweight and the instructions easy to follow.

I like this piece. It oozes class and professionalism. It is powerful and must be treated with respect. It is not a toy and needs to be supervised whenever children are around.
This comes with a lifetime guarantee and the company offer to replace your torch if it is damaged when you receive it.
I received this item at a discount and am under no obligation to write this review.