
Showing posts from March, 2018

Teardrop Storm Glass Weather Forecast Home Decor

Teardrop Storm Glass Weather Forecast Home Décorécor       This is a very unusual combination of gift and storm glass.  Upon receiving this the liquid in this air tight container is clear.  The lovely tear drop design and the clear mix of chemicals within are based on the principle of the European Storm Glass in the 17th century.  This unit needs to sit in your house out of the sunlight or any air con's and the liquid needs to adjust to its surrounds.  Once it has settled you will be able to judge what the weather will be like the following days as to what kind of crystals form.  The weather and temperature will make the crystals react in a specific way.  If they form star shapes then it means you can expect snow.  Feathery shapes means cloudy possibly rain.  If the liquid is muddy it will mean it will be cloudy pos...
Content Creation EBook #content   Content planning can be as easy or as hard as you make it.  Its all about getting you and your brand noticed.  I don't have a lot of experience with this kind of writing and I found this book helpful but somewhat confusing.  Maybe due to my lack of knowledge I found it hard to get through this book.  It was informative and well written as most of George Pain's books are.  It introduces you to the best practices on content writing that you will ever need.  It advises how to plan your writing 12 weeks in advance, how to find your niche and how to captivate your followers with top tips and ideas. My inner struggle with this was that I do product testing as a hobbie so I am no mogal for industry. Having said that I can see the vast possibilities for this working with someone who is starting out and looking for ways to be seen and heard in a vast sea of platforms and videos....

Video Blogging EBook

Video Blogging EBook #video    I wanted to read this ebook about video blogging as I hoped it would assist me with my product testing with making videos.  I am not shy by any standard but I still do find it difficult to step in front of the camera as I think that the video you are doing should be all about the product and not the person.  This ebook has made me realise that sometimes that is just not the case.  People relate more to other peoples facial expressions and body language when they can see you testing a product.  It is much easier to see if someone really does like the product as much as they say they do when you can see their expressions.   The industry of "Vlogging" has really taken off over the years, giving people more access to share their thoughts and products online.  This has proved to be one of the fastest and most popular ways for spreading the word.  Ther...